Re-certification Of Registered Families Through The [NSER] Dynamic Survey
Benazir Income Support Program is conducting an NSER Survey for the people who have not yet registered in the Kafalat Program and are living their lives below the poverty lines, however, they are also doing the re-certification of Registered families through the dynamic Survey by checking their financial status update, whether they still need the assistance through 8171 BISP Program.
Therefore it is an important note to all those families who have already registered in the Benazir Kafalat Program and are receiving financial support but they will not get the next installments until they re-certificate their Data from the Tehsil office.
Re-Certification Of Registered People In BISP Program [Update]
Registration at the BISP Tehsil offices is still going on for the eligible people of the Benazir Kafalat prorgam, therefore if you have applied for the next month’s 13,500 Payments then you must need to check your CNIC Update because if you have not done your survey again BISP Program through re-certification then the Program will eliminate and cut your name from the list of Beneficiaries.
بے نظیر کفالت پروگرام کے اہل افراد کے لیے بی آئی ایس پی کے تحصیل دفاتر میں رجسٹریشن ابھی بھی جاری ہے، اس لیے اگر آپ نے اگلے ماہ کی 13,500 قسطوں کے لیے درخواست دی ہے تو آپ کو اپنی شناختی اپڈیٹ چیک کرنے کی ضرورت ہوگی کیونکہ اگر آپ نے اپنا سروے دوبارہ نہیں کیا ہے تو بی آئی ایس پی پروگرام دوبارہ سرٹیفیکیشن کے ذریعے پھر پروگرام فائدہ اٹھانے والوں کی فہرست سے آپ کا نام ختم اور کاٹ دے گا۔
You will only receive this amount in the following month if your data has been submitted to the BISP records. The BISP Chairperson has announced the new monthly installments of Rs 13,500 for registered women. This time, Benazir Income Support is taking a close look at every detail to ensure that everything is clear and open so that the funds may reach the correct people.
Main Source: Watch The Video By Rubina Khalid
How does the BISP Re-certify The registered families?
It is a very easy process to re-certify your registration in the BISP Tehsil office:
13,500 Benazir Kafalat New Payment Starting From January 2025
The BISP Program is raising its monthly Kafaalat Stipend to 13,500 Rs for Registered Beneficiaries starting in January of next year to give the Beneficiaries financial relief, according to the most recent update from the news source.
Chairperson Rubina Khalid announced this during her visit to the Giglit tehsil offices. She also told the media conference that by the end of this year, BISP will hold up to 10 million beneficiaries for the Kafalat 13,500 Payment, meaning that more relief would be provided to all eligible families by increasing the Monthly Payment through the Ehsaas Kafalat Program.
Check Your Latest CNIC Update At 8171 Web Portal
Once you completed your re-certification, then you can check the update of your CNIC At 8171 Web Portal by Following the Procedure:
The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) is actively re-certifying registered families through the NSER Dynamic Survey to ensure that only those who still qualify receive financial assistance. Families already enrolled in the Kafalat Program must complete this re-certification at their local Tehsil office to continue receiving payments.