8171 Program Alert: Permanent Removal From BISP For Beneficiaries Promoting Deductions
Notification of Alert for every 8171 ehsaas program Beneficiary who receives payment following deduction. The BISP Program will decide whether to permanently remove a beneficiary from the program if it discovers that they have contributed money to the agents or have not spoken up about money deductions. In such cases, payments will not be made.
Beneficiaries Who Promote Deductions In Payment Face Permanent Removal
During a recent live session with BISP beneficiaries, Naved Akbar addressed several significant questions from all BISP-eligible individuals. He demonstrated extreme aggression towards women or beneficiaries who encourage payment deductions and do not object when instructed to do so.
This time, DG Naveed Akbar warns the ladies involved that if they are found guilty, BISP will permanently withdraw them from the program and cease to provide them with any further payments.
مستفید ہونے والوں کے ساتھ ایک حالیہ لائیو سیشن کے دوران، نوید اکبر نے تمام اہل افراد سے کئی اہم سوالات کا جواب دیا۔ اس نے خواتین یا مستفید کنندگان کے تئیں انتہائی جارحیت کا مظاہرہ کیا جو ادائیگیوں میں کٹوتیوں کی حوصلہ افزائی کرتی ہیں اور ایسا کرنے کی ہدایت کرنے پر اعتراض نہیں کرتیں۔ اس بار، ڈی جی نوید اکبر نے اس میں شامل خواتین کو خبردار کیا ہے کہ اگر وہ قصوروار ثابت ہوئیں تو بی آئی ایس پی انہیں پروگرام سے مستقل طور پر نکال دے گا اور انہیں مزید ادائیگیاں فراہم کرنا بند کر دے گا۔
Biggest Reason for the Deduction of Payment In the BISP Program
According to the Director General of the BISP Program, Naveed Akbar, one of the common and biggest reasons for the deduction of payment in the BISP Program is their silence and giving the money at their own will.
Beneficiaries who give 100,200 or 1000 Rupees to the agents are not for the program and they will be removed from the support for encouraging payment deduction and not reporting on this crime.
Beneficaires enrollment Will be Blocked For Promoting Deduction
Moreover, Benazir Income Support Program Beneficaries who are enrolled in the program and receive their money through agents by also giving them some money with their wills will be removed from the program and their registration as a needy woman will be canceled.
If a woman needs money she will never promote the money deduction and would raise her voice if they face any of these situations, therefore BISP Clearly states that they do not need these women in the program instead they will enroll those beneficiaries who even respect and long for a single penny.
Beneficiaries Not Complaining the Payment Deduction
Many women in the Benazir Income Support Program are receiving their monthly Kafaalat Payment through the Agents, and many of them are involved in the money deduction which means that they give the payment to women with some amounts taken from it. And even the Beneficaries are aware of this but they prefer to be silent and promote it without reporting it to the BISP Helpline.
For this reason, the payment deduction issue becomes the biggest hurdle for many deserving women to receive the full amount from the Benazir Income Support Program.
Solution For Payment Deduction In The Bisp program
To address this issue, Rubina Kalid, the new Chairperson of BISP, launched the BISP Campsite, which enables beneficiaries to get their payments in full and without deduction in a transparent manner from the pose agents.
The cash distribution method used by the Benazir Income Support Program has shifted from retail stores to campgrounds, where all conditions are met for the Beneficiaries. The women were really happy because the posing agents promptly gave them their entire payment. This has made it possible for the program to honorably handle the issue that women most usually want assistance with and to provide their BISP Payment.
In conclusion, the BISP program has issued a stark warning against beneficiaries who facilitate payment deductions or remain silent about such practices. Director General Naveed Akbar has emphasized that promoting deductions will lead to permanent removal from the program, with payments ceased indefinitely. All beneficiaries must prioritize transparency and report any instances of payment deductions to BISP authorities promptly.