8171 Ehsaas Alert: Complete Your Survey Before June 30th To Secure Benefits
Here is the latest Update for all the BISP Beneficaries who are receiving Payments from the 8171 ehsaas Program. The current BISP Survey is happening at the BISP Tehsil offices for the next monthly payment of Rs12500 which will be given in September 2024, therefore if you want to receive your new Kafaalat Payment from 8171 ehsaas program then complete your survey before June 30th from BISP Tehsil office.
Survey Last Date – Latest Update From 8171 Ehsaas Program
Beneficaries who are eligible for the April to June Payment will not receive their next payment if they have not completed their survey before 30th June, as new surveys are going for the fresh data of beneficiaries so that it can be assured that only eligible people are receiving the Payments from Benazir Income Support Program.
This is also important for the Benazir Taleemi Wazifa’s beneficiaries boys and girls, if they have not registered or do not complete their survey in the Benazir Taleemi Wazaif then the women must visit the BISP Tehsil office with CNIC and Child’s Bay form to register their name in the list of other Beneficaries.
Note: Only children of Benazir Kfalat Beneficaries are eligible for the Taleemi wazifa, if the mother is not a part of the BISP Program then the Child can not be added to this initiative.
Complete Your Survey Before 30th June – BISP Announcement
In addition, eligible individuals receiving their April to June payment are advised to reapply for the program if their payment status is not showing approval or if it has been more than two years since their last survey. If you would like to be eligible for the BISP Quarterly Payment in September, you must complete your survey by June 30th, as no surveys will be conducted after this date.
Survey For 10500 Payment Through BISP Tehsil office
According to the latest Update BISP New April to March Payment has been released and people who are included in Phase 1 and 2 are receiving their monthly Kafalat 10500 rupees through the BISP Campsites that are established in all the districts of regions covered in the two phases.
In addition, individuals who were previously informed they were ineligible and those who choose to retake their survey for the BISP Program are going to their closest Tehsil Markaz to register for the Kafalat Program and obtain their combined payment with the prior installment.
BISP Survey: Key Dates and Necessary Actions
How To Re-Survey In BISP Program For Next Payment 2024
You must follow the guidelines below to guarantee that your enrollment is verified and that you get your ehsaas payment in the same month.
(Keep that confirmation message safe as proof in your records)
Completing your BISP survey by June 30th is essential to ensure you continue receiving your payments from the 8171 Ehsaas Program. This process not only secures your eligibility for the upcoming Rs12,500 payment in September 2024 but also guarantees that you remain on the list of beneficiaries. Visit your nearest BISP Tehsil office, update your information, and take advantage of the government’s support programs like the Benazir Taleemi Wazifa. Don’t miss the deadline to ensure uninterrupted financial assistance.