61 Lakh Beneficiaries Receive Over Rs 58 Billion: Collect Your Rs 10,500 Now!

According to the Latest update from the BISP 8171 Portal, about 62% of the Beneficaries registered for the Benazir Kafaalat 10500 have received their payment through BISP Phase One, two, and Three, and thousands of them are still receiving it through BISP Campsites.

61 Lakh Beneficiaries Receive Over Rs 58 Billion: Collect Your Rs 10,500 Now!

You can also check your CNIC online and collect your payment of Rs 10500 from the Camps as few days are left until these Payments are given off.

61 Lakh Beneficiaries Receive Over Rs 58 Billion

Data from the BISP April to June funding show that as of July 4, 2024, beneficiaries of the Benazir Income Support Programs have received approximately 58 billion rupees. The money is distributed gradually throughout Pakistan; as of present now, 62% of recipients have received both Benazir Taleemi Wazaif and the Kafalat Payment.

Following the dissemination of information from 8171, Phases 1 and 2 payments have been made to about 61 lakh beneficiaries nationwide. Following this, women are lining up at district Bisp Camps to claim their full amount. Additionally, the BISP Team must adhere to the letter’s conditions to prevent taking any money from the Benazir June Payment. Since they are qualified women, they should work honestly and give the entire amount to them as they are the real proprietors of this money.

62% of Beneficiaries have received their Payments for Kafalat and Taleemi Wazifa

Many people are unaware of this thing that women are also receiving their Children’s Taleemi Wazaif with the Kafalat Payment as Benazir Income Support also supports the children of Beneficaries in their education so every mother who has enrolled their child in this program is receiving an extra 4500 Rs for each Child.

Till now 62% of Benazir Kafalat beneficiaries Have Received their Payments, as of now BISP has started its new Payment for BISP Phase 3, therefore thousands of Beneficaries are still visiting the campsite to get their Payments. 

Payments From April To June During Phases 1, 2, and 3

The beneficiaries have received BISP April to June Payments since July 4, 2024. Through district-level BISP Campsites, up to 61 lakh women have benefited from the Benazir Kafaalat 10500 Payment. The third phase of the BISP formally started on July 4 in locations where the Beneficiaries have enrolled in the Ehsaas Kafaalat Program.

Please wait for your time at the campsite after obtaining the notice. There, you’ll receive honorable and dignified treatment. Payments to the BISP Beneficiaries will be made during these times until June.

Crucial Guidelines to Comply With for BISP Third Phase Payment

The specific instructions for each BISP recipient of the April–June payments are as follows:

  • Payment processing will be done by the BISP Campsite.
  • After receiving a message from 8171, the recipients will be able to enter the camps.
  • Bring no children to the campsite.
  • At the Camps, exercise patience and bide your time.
  • Make sure you have a receipt that shows the full amount you have paid.
  • If there is a disturbance, call the BISP Helpline at 0800-26477 or the BISP Control Room.
  • If your child registers with 70% attendance, you will receive your Taleemi Wazaif.


The Benazir Income Support Program has successfully distributed over Rs 58 billion to 61 lakh beneficiaries as part of the Kafalat 10500 Payment. With 62% of registered beneficiaries having received their payments, the distribution continues through BISP Campsites. 

Beneficiaries are urged to check their CNICs online and collect their payments promptly, as the deadline approaches. The BISP team’s dedication to ensuring that every eligible woman receives her rightful amount underscores the program’s commitment to supporting Pakistan’s most vulnerable.