BISP Update: 44 Billion Rs Distributed To Over 4.2 Million Beneficiaries

 44 Billion Rs Distributed To Over 4.2 Million Beneficiaries

Good News for all the BISP Beneficaries! People have started receiving payments from Phases One and Two now you can also check your CNIC Online for the Benazir 10500 Kafaalat Payment, till now 44 billion Rupees have been distributed to over 4.2 Million Beneficaries through BISP Two-phases and soon they will introduce BISP Phase Three in Areas who do not get payment before. 

The Benazir Kafaalat Program provides benefits to 93 million families in Pakistan each month; however, to get their funds, these families must enroll in the BISP Program through Benazir Tehsil centers. As a result, if the Benazir Tehsil office hasn’t gotten back to you yet, don’t panic; BISP will SMS you from 8171 to collect your money. 

44 Billion Rs Distributed To Over 4.2 Million Beneficaries 

According to calculations, beneficiaries of the Benazir Income Support Programs have received around 40 billion rupees from the BISP April to June money as of June 20, 2024. The money is distributed throughout Pakistan following the phases, up till now 65% of Beneficaries have received the Kafalat Payment with Benazir Taleemi Wazaif.

Nearly 42 lakh beneficiaries nationwide have received payments from Phases 1 and 2, and after presenting the message from 8171, ladies are attending the district Bisp Camps to pick up their full amount. Additionally, the BISP Team must strictly adhere to the guidelines to prevent making any deductions from the Benazir June Payment. Since qualified women are the true owners of this money, they should work honestly and provide the full amount to them.

BISP 44 billion Payment via Phases 1 and 2: April to June

The Beneficiaries have received BISP April to June Payments since May 20, 2024. Benazir Kafaalat 10500 Payment has been disbursed to up to 44 lakh women via BISP Campsites set up at the district level. The Second Phase of BISP formally started on June 1st in areas where the Beneficiaries have enrolled in the Ehsaas Kafaalat Program.

You will be treated with honor and dignity at the campsite, so please wait for your turn after getting the notice. The BISP Beneficiaries will continue to receive payments during these phases until June.

BISP Third Phase Will Soon Begin – Current Information

The new BISP Phase is expected to start shortly, according to the Benazir Income Support team. This website and other social media sites with BISP’s official page will notify you when the Phase starts. Moreover, if you’re concerned about the topics addressed in this Phase, you shouldn’t be. When the payment date is announced, you will receive a list of the territories that are covered by the BISP Third Phase Payment.

You should continuously check your Ehsaas status online because the new payment is going to arrive at any moment. Phase 3 Benazir would likely encompass the locations where households have not received their payments from Phase 1 or Phase 2.

Benazir Kafaalat Check CNIC Online 2024 

It’s simple to confirm your Benazir Kafaalat 10500 Payment Online with the BISP official website. You won’t need to invest any money, time, or effort in this free strategy. 

Just adhere to the guidelines provided below to verify your CNIC online:

  • Go to to see the official BISP website.
  • When you initially arrive on the page, a large box will appear where you need to input your 13-digit CNIC number. In the Captcha code, the code appears.
  • Once each field has been completed, you need to click “Submit” or “Register.”
  • As a result, your status for the BISP Payment Check will be generated. 


The specific instructions for all BISP Beneficiary of the April–June Payments are as follows:

  • Payments will be processed at the BISP Campsite.
  • If the recipients get a message from 8171, they will be able to enter the camps.
  • Bring no children to the campsite.
  • At the Camps, exercise patience and bide your time.
  • Make sure you have a receipt for the full amount you paid.
  • If there is any disruption, contact the BISP Helpline at 0800-26477 or the BISP Control Room.
  • If your child registers with 70% attendance, you will also receive their Taleemi Wazaif.


The distribution of 44 billion rupees to over 4.2 million beneficiaries marks a significant milestone for the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP). Beneficiaries have begun receiving payments from Phases One and Two, with Phase Three set to expand to additional areas soon. The program continues to provide critical financial support to millions of families across Pakistan, ensuring they receive their funds with dignity and without deductions. 

For ongoing updates and to check the status of your payments, beneficiaries are encouraged to use the official BISP website and other provided resources.